Transaction a9f871918500d9790dd20d544040abf5b4d8dca34b8bc803fbce2c08874f4b92

1 Input
  • b071440c469af094bf84e7e257dcd4d9348c2f079aa77aa8a981d9ffcbc6c131:0
    OP_DATA_32(32) 54eba9c4fb63b747dd5656ee9e5bde54bd611ba61b424ba70324d7e995e90b19
    OP_DATA_3(3) ord
    OP_DATA_9(9) image/png
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) PNG  ��� IHDR���@���@���% ��eXIfMM�*�����������������&����{"name": "Honey Badgers", "description": "Honey Badgers is a generative 10k PFP collection inscribed on the Bitcoin Blockchain through Ordinals. It is an experiment to see if a native NFT community can emerge and thrive on the native Bitcoin ecosystem. The project doesn\u2019t have a roadmap and its solely purpose is to deliver high quality pixelated art and a fun place to hang out with friends. The collection is Bitcoin themed with the
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) honey badger meme being the center of it, but also has many other traits related to crypto and specifically the Bitcoin culture.", "creator": "Honey Badgers Team", "attributes": [{"trait_type": "Background", "value": "purple"}, {"trait_type": "Body", "value": "dark blue"}, {"trait_type": "Mane", "value": "blue fire"}, {"trait_type": "Claws", "value": "regular"}, {"trait_type": "Eyes", "value": "red"}, {"trait_type": "Headgear", "value": "mohawk"}, {"trait_type": "Artifacts", "value": "sword"}]}����IDATxZmhS
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) W~CM-iЖ*э:bHKւUDQ!ҏ.c s0?kЁ*]V+Ԣ5X%47HM~xz'"!{=yyiZbxak} ߽pEn<(;ڻ|�Ѓ W>}/\.Vȩ^ ;W7 {bԅwN7$4? Vo27b{TW>En~$1.�$-iy1?ow}SRZ ] 2 ˭オxoރ_o ͏ؒNq+{d�3CцCц0}HIê؁CY@p+�H/shs9ц0�~*�_8S/o??PnUܫ[e΃χ �lK%䓖\1筴]mj7 C�{di(kR#Upd1׼nwr(j uΚqnţ}|+
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) %ѐ�h/6T^9zGKx֕�te_=+?�7x.Q,oJJ z<{3F[ i:Ӱ9qƹ8?fLA1apA8j](0�`KFȽzn1/G�W)FX`^!s|̜6 -ZZOjU Ѝ܂`ꂏ�] -lk�JF=7(1d`[Th} Wá_<D7f*~ʞ Ҵ̜ F K+zn\3#  pӡ`M�"6F\)ߔ xUk})s+bѢEF˫rQM�íxb>�wwKF&ҷۛYzJR0#q �_NQ䭔\$ aa%>"o%aC&�k|!
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) aOm=Sp^?).9]dݝŮ ] �ú-p3}$F@ f|ړG 6{OQv <b*yD* <#W"Z=�L ARH ^څ K+@+x2Ń�S16ӡ{fҊ.�=a<9 f̢Dec[RBИ_hM(V{MT&V/^^[[T˫r]x3O`lL}Ѕʫr[ݥkO]Dv- �ͣ[_`B mVi<{j0 G&@V.}it5<<booP1:YP^Cc |$H MӠAg1r`n# :a&dM;"d]벷vŏ=3 j0 tϫD�C}mYr
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) tu58]<e8pLż Y2[Jzn|�;If =[#%tIޮ>\ G͸ GcH#aB$0t.8wO^{ 9,agAF30<ÓAГOʫraiy9Ȳ6'LڃAϚG�?dz0YaySO&L"OVϫ)ʱ @gpH˞ a(I#=1Q"Dz= DQ׊ڋT=+n4E {e6Luэ9 / {|]4ʼɜ`EIQ5Ȳɽ 3FO9X4m/G|&@v޾N\Y#F:o_i=",i0;;|�NCG0 Զj9~Cٰ4,A 49ZS_i����IENDB`
1 Outputs
  • a9f871918500d9790dd20d544040abf5b4d8dca34b8bc803fbce2c08874f4b92:0
  • value  333
    address  bc1payjwssfnn278crgavn7mcmmc9u30hgtslwe76d9n6dftxn3ufpcqy6d7f6