#hamicat 1st round
PinId: be7caa...7i0
FullName: hamicat 1st round
TotalSupply: 120
RoyaltyRate: 5
Desc: 首个socialfi emoji nft!第一个从web2跨越到web3的表情包! meet the web3 emoji! the 1st socialfi emoji nft! (english introduction seen below) hamicat哈咪猫ip诞生于2010年,曾获第九届金龙奖最佳漫画形象奖(由中国国际漫画节组委会重点推出的国际性专业比赛,被誉为中国动漫第一奖),与富士胶片(fujifilm)、印象城、佐斯登(zosed)、生活无忧(lattliv)、爱玛、第七公社等知名品牌均有合作代言。 nft持有者永久拥有该表情包在区块链上唯一的使用权、展示权,同时可转让出售。 哈咪猫是一只胖胖的猫,表情万千,耳朵、尾巴都有独特的语言,它调皮、可爱、爱撒娇、骄傲、热情、人性,还有一些百看不厌的小动作。哈咪猫来自中国,和有点天然呆的嘻咪和可爱咪蒂还有喵妮生活在主人家中,拥有不可思议的力量,爱睡懒觉和恶作剧。保持着积极向上的猫生态度,找到目标,然后不懈努力的去实现它。 hamicat was born in 2010. it’s a famous original character in china with tens of thousands of fans. it has won the best animation image award of the 9th golden dragon award (it's an international professional competition launched by the organizing committee of china international comics festival and is known as the first award of chinese comics). it also has cooperated with well-known brands such as fujifilm, incity, zosed, lattliv, emma, d7 gongshe, etc. the holders permanently have the only rights to use, display, transfer, and sell the emojis on the blockchain. hamicat is a fat cat with various expressions. it's naughty, lovely, proud, zealous, etc. hamicat is from china and lives with dorky hippy, lovely mitty, and meow-ni. it has incredible strength and love to sleep in and play pranks. it always keeps a positive attitude, and once it finds a goal, it will work tirelessly to achieve it.
Cover: metafile://7ab8685fdee7aaf1322d5e78c054be608d49db5ca36100e196bd6e8d9b772a3bi0
TotalNum: 1