Transaction 8b8cac729742c0b21d90021188e5ddbc37333f7e69771f6e77fdf4fb29576115

1 Input
  • ccea34e78790544b58a15cd087aaee92a6c71143101b756b4aaeb0742fa4e19c:0
    OP_DATA_32(32) 807bb9dfe1cdb9f1ac5ceac4505b8018ff6e095d5c5adb450ed89943186d1d10
    OP_DATA_3(3) ord
    OP_DATA_9(9) image/png
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) PNG  ��� IHDR���@���@���% ��eXIfMM�*�����������������&����{"name": "Honey Badgers", "description": "Honey Badgers is a generative 10k PFP collection inscribed on the Bitcoin Blockchain through Ordinals. It is an experiment to see if a native NFT community can emerge and thrive on the native Bitcoin ecosystem. The project doesn\u2019t have a roadmap and its solely purpose is to deliver high quality pixelated art and a fun place to hang out with friends. The collection is Bitcoin themed with the
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) honey badger meme being the center of it, but also has many other traits related to crypto and specifically the Bitcoin culture.", "creator": "Honey Badgers Team", "attributes": [{"trait_type": "Background", "value": "red"}, {"trait_type": "Body", "value": "dark blue"}, {"trait_type": "Mane", "value": "rainbow"}, {"trait_type": "Claws", "value": "regular"}, {"trait_type": "Eyes", "value": "regular"}, {"trait_type": "Headgear", "value": "dark wizard hat"}, {"trait_type": "Artifacts", "value": "none"}]}���IDATx
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ZmlSU~m,u̍zc̤񹐨Eb1FLԘjbB!&GB#:Xl嫀d|,#e@[Jhkv'rz<{2e 4ݍJcMf�nX.H$Te33ր(tN)xHh˘dH 'T T,ũӆ0V]5b7s]�f,X ΅3wzvK fj\a}�\8`ƂŹk>?SZ:!�zM5 enn366|X z@ R �#J ݲ,'1C0o#^|}�>ۖ/ _|�aլpƟ8_/ɨuF۬0:bɥK=wў43ow:Cy"2~xsȦW2%:F瞻 6QkEW�n
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) AXπ)g=O`ηⱨ`w,(*�P V-+](஬b5Cw`l ׮8_\�0^8tDIc 5u? -GZ[*j0~$ �O<g<uWV]쎺k�#[kZRq8SЁkߗEp(讬y@QYpD^`TPu 3ttv F m{0j .ih#Ū5 y<yN* vT+`y$|6A!Fmeb( Bh]j XKŒ 2j =YJaH wDzm ^V4H` em|#GKZ)z�|`�5hgUw@AXB) xN3 k͌t! AOKbe^amUх `+d00ۓcSky `,
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) o�7W@>�2s]TC($z LT"񥢲 jf|ܩ uku�_)k@,, ݕUK1OĴeKXryOr\Q:];!g/ 7�hz|ޭN6je&BF&wq3ebO.EEYަ6L^ě_Y+^UkSז {]g}i5 y~D9h%| lvR$/O]| s 2<c3?5;ܠ!Ue%{dN] mO^>]KgE]lQ/'5Ե]]HLá D+BFkn^}Ve7qڞVF�/|X=tDH;b1~"+Rrާײhz<РmЛ9[#}p(^ @5sѹce_IAA&%T]
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) .�3.Q=MNArÃ}.ӆxGA-)sC虴�}$̩\x\ ($ -Sw#V rUi C=@,<͕Gu6_ڱ(3=*I.$]i$<HDF) <|(*ZQ^IIT#]br8dAUj'PdtQK.24W�?62yy$o$V$dO& KbrHo C6j [F' P/\&E/\n-¬SWii;y?ir:Ğu]?]Z{P>uf.#բ_`t1/V����IENDB`
1 Outputs
  • 8b8cac729742c0b21d90021188e5ddbc37333f7e69771f6e77fdf4fb29576115:0
  • value  333
    address  bc1pg3gz5d7he395dc3yypkg0dyjulxk8jmwjagmze7nrwehhqx7mw4s0av2am