Transaction 56d699c84aaeaba0ee161755807c489858a654223acd305dfcd4e856a5c02203

1 Input
  • 03e49b4f013f08bcf55786fe8d2c5e59fc26cfc0b7e6bccf4f085e1f5d13c7f7:0
    OP_DATA_32(32) 7afff963a056eb8293c8198f7afdade085b0bd96ed63d0f0aa57e774e0e0eda8
    OP_DATA_3(3) ord
    OP_DATA_13(13) image/svg+xml
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) <!-- {"index": 21205, "reportKey": "FC5D9E30–04CA–4FA2–97D6–B9286C6768C2", "date": "2007–05–06 07:10:00", "type": "Friendly Action", "category": "MEDEVAC (Local National)", "trackingNumber": "2007–126–071628–0399", "title": "D2 060710Z Spartan MM(E)05–06A for 12 Y/O LN MALE at NARAY (MOD)", "summary": "060710Z TF Titan requests a MEDEVAC for a 12 y/o LN male with a head injury at FOB Naray. The PT was a walk in at Naray; CF did not cause the injury. MM(E) 05–06A approved. W/U from JAF at 0729
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) Z, W/D at Naray at 0802Z, W/U Naray at 0819Z, W/U from JAF at 0901Z, W/D at BAF at 0945Z, M/C.", "region": "RC EAST", "attackOn": "FRIEND", "complexAttack": "FALSE", "reportingUnit": "TF SPARTAN (3 BCT) (10 MOUNTAIN)", "unitName": "TF SPARTAN", "typeOfUnit": "None Selected", "friendlyWIA": "0", "friendlyKIA": "0", "hostNationWIA": "0", "hostNationKIA": "0", "civilianWIA": "1", "civilianKIA": "0", "enemyWIA": "0", "enemyKIA": "0", "enemyDetained": "0", "mgrs": "42SYD2969999200", "latitude": "35.20956039", "longitude
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ": "71.52337646", "originatorGroup": "UNKNOWN", "updatedByGroup": "UNKNOWN", "ccir": "", "sigact": "", "affiliation": "FRIEND", "dColor": "BLUE", "classification": "SECRET"} --> <svg xmlns="" version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svgjs="" width="1000" height="1000"> <style type="text/css"> <![CDATA[ text { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing:-0.75px;} ]]> </style> <rect width="1000" height
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ="1000" fill="#acb6c0" style="stroke: black; stroke-width: 15;"></rect> <g id="WAR_LOG_-" transform="matrix(0.244141,0,0,0.244141,-435.791,-2999.02)"> <g transform="matrix(7.67317,0,0,4.096,-15973.2,-38031.3)"> <rect x="2325" y="13244" width="150" height="20"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(4.096,0,0,4.096,-5577,-37973.9)"> <text x="1825px" y="13247.9px" style="font-family:'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:22.222px;fill:rgb(172,182,192);">WAR <tspan x="1922.08px " y="
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 13247.9px ">L</tspan>OG <tspan x="2014.24px " y="13247.9px ">#</tspan>21205</text> </g> </g> <g id="ASSANGE" transform="matrix(0.244141,0,0,0.244141,243.231,-2999.02)"> <g transform="matrix(6.48594,0,0,4.096,-13034.8,-38031.3)"> <rect x="2325" y="13244" width="150" height="20"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(4.096,0,0,4.096,-5405.63,-37973.9)"> <text x="1825px" y="13247.9px" style="font-family:'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:22.222px;fill:rgb(172,182,192);">
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) I <tspan x="1869.01px " y="13247.9px ">A</tspan>M <tspan x="1940.65px " y="13247.9px ">A</tspan>SSANGE</text> </g> </g> <g class="columns"><svg class="column" width="970" height="900" x="10" y="10" font-family="'Arial', sans-serif;" font-size="56" font-stretch="condensed"><text height="900"><tspan></tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">060710Z TF TITAN REQUESTS A</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">MEDEVAC FOR A 12 Y/O LN MALE</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">WITH A HEAD INJURY AT FOB</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">NARAY
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) . THE PT WAS A WALK IN AT</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">NARAY; CF DID NOT CAUSE THE</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">INJURY. MM(E) 05-06A APPROVED.</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">W/U FROM JAF AT 0729Z, W/D AT</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">NARAY AT 0802Z, W/U NARAY AT</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">0819Z, W/U FROM JAF AT 0901Z,</tspan><tspan dy="72.8" x="0">W/D AT BAF AT 0945Z, M/C.</tspan></text></svg></g></svg>
1 Outputs
  • 56d699c84aaeaba0ee161755807c489858a654223acd305dfcd4e856a5c02203:0
  • value  9999
    address  bc1p93mglxvxqg9pa9rwlth7ntrvpgept6mnr2p20zvezr066zcx0gmsjvrktj