Transaction 475324c3e30f3793f0b0ae57632a73af3d3548b338fa46c91781d2fdbc8e64ad

1 Input
  • cc9a2970778d944e770f831c75fad97fc8a247c25aceed9c31b5b17e280665cc:0
    OP_DATA_32(32) 54af593d47d8ad6dbcdaeb962b4e10a77736bf172418242c78a5d61ec047010c
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    OP_DATA_13(13) image/svg+xml
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) <!-- {"index": 22724, "reportKey": "121AE1E6–8389–41DF–8347–C5C1FB151626", "date": "2007–06–02 03:30:00", "type": "Non–Combat Event", "category": "Meeting – Development", "trackingNumber": "2007–167–045348–0942", "title": "020330ZJUN07 Bagram PRT Parwan Elders Meeting and", "summary": "The Parwan Team and Col Ives attended a meeting of district elders called by Governor Taqwa. The meeting started approximately two hours late as delegations from the distant districts were delayed. While we w
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ere waiting for the meeting to start, we met with Gov. Taqwa and Deputy Gov. Salangi. The Governor had two guests with him: Gen Habibulah, Deputy ANP Chief from Salang and a former commander in the Salang region during the war, and Mr Mubarak Shah, elder from Qalander Khil, Bagram District, and a former commander of forces in Qalander Khil in the war against the Taliban.\n Col Ives spoke with Gov Taqwa, however, most in the room could not hear the entire conversation. What we did hear included a discussion abou
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) t construction projects. Gov Taqwa mentioned that there a problems with the culverts being build on the new road we are building past the firing range. He said the culverts are to low and will trap water under the road. He also mentioned that he knows a Turkish company that does DBST roads very well and suggested we talk the contractors into sub–contracting with this company. Another topic Gov Taqwa covered was the need of the drinking water system for Charikar. He said if we buy the pipes the people will in
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) stall the system. Finally, Col Ives spoke to the Governor about the need to complete the construction of district centers. Gov Taqwa stated district centers are still needed at Jabalussaraj, Salang, Sheikh Ali, and Bagram. We recently visited the Bagram district center and found it was completed in 2005. The other three district centers are valid requirements.\n Gov Taqwa opened the district elder meeting and stated his purpose was to listen to the people and that the government must be with the people. The
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) next speaker, the head of the council from Qalander Khil, stated the PRT was not doing enough. He emphasized that building walls along the river for flood control was their first priority. \n The next representative was from the Salang District. He stated that drinking water was an issue because many were drinking river water. He also included roads and electricity as concerns for their district. Finally, he requested health clinics and irrigation water.\n The Chief of the Parwan Shura council, Abdul Shaku
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) r, spoke about the limitations he has on his job as a Shura leader. His limitation is he has nothing to get things done with, but the people expect him to do good things for them. He mentioned the flooding problems in Charikar, Drinking water for Charikar, solving un–employment so youth does not turn to drugs, and cleaning up the city to prevent sickness, He asked why the PRT is not doing more in the cities, especially Charikar. He concluded with asking for us to remember the health care sector.\n Col Iv
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) es spoke next. He related that the development of Parwan is directly related to the security and peace that the people of Parwan provide. He referred to the Coalition lives lost and the more recent loss of a PRT member in Methar Lam. He said that the security of the province allows the NGOs and 37 partner countries to work with them to improve their situation. The leaders and people of the province are a key to security because they know who is for peace and who is not. He said he was sad about the recent deci
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) sion of the Republic of Korea to withdraw their people from the coalition efforts here and in Iraq. He lamented the loss of the Korean Hospital that has served the people of Parwan so well but will no longer be here due to the losses the Koreans have suffered in these two countries. Col Ives again restated that the people of Afghanistan must participate in the security that directly impacts their development. Col Ives then related the many good things that have occurred such as 30 years ago 1.5M students were i
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) n school. Today over 6M children are in school and 2M of them are girls. He said that we build the schools and the people encourage the children to attend, but they can not if security is not present. Security depends upon the local leaders and Shura members. Col Ives made a point by requesting that all those who oppose peace should leave the country now. He closed with, it has been 30–years of war; it is now time for peace.\n Assistant leader of the Parwan Shura Council, Salangi, spoke next about the abil
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ity of the Parwan people to change history and thanked the coalition forces for bring the people together. He stated that up to 500 families were recently affected by flooding near BAF and yet BAF has not provided any real help. He said the people have been suffering for 30 years now and they expect big thinks from the PRT. He said today is the day to act for the people of Bagram or how can they tell the difference between the Coalition and the Taliban. He said in Salang, the bridges were washed away and asked
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) why we were not helping to restore them. He said 500 acres of crops were destroyed in Jabulsaraj and a lone NGO is trying to help, but it is not enough. He stated that we took away their security and that they were very angry. He spoke about the Panjshir River was destroying Sayed Khail, but no one is helping. He asked Col Ives and the PRT to do more. If we can not keep the people happy, we can not expect peace. He said we should talk less and do extra otherwise why are they supporting the government? \n G
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) eneral Saleem spoke next and thanked all those present for assisting with keeping the peace in Parwan. He recognized that the PRT was doing good things, but not to the expectations of the people. He requested the PRT pay attention to Kohi Safi and Salang districts understanding that they got rid of the poppy fields so they expect something in return. Gen Saleem stressed the need to provide drinking water to the populous and he asked the PRT to help in this area. He also asked for pedestrian bridges for the scho
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ol children around busy roads, but no specific roads were mentioned. He said the PRT is the only way to get this done. He concluded by saying the police have provided the security for us and the other agencies to work.\n Someone in the crowd mentioned there are 300+ people living in tents. If someone does not help these people soon more unrest is sure to follow.\n\nSEE COMMENTS FOR THE REST OF THE SITREP", "region": "RC EAST", "attackOn": "NEUTRAL", "complexAttack": "FALSE", "reportingUnit": "PRT BAGRAM", "uni
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) tName": "PRT BAGRAM", "typeOfUnit": "None Selected", "friendlyWIA": "0", "friendlyKIA": "0", "hostNationWIA": "0", "hostNationKIA": "0", "civilianWIA": "0", "civilianKIA": "0", "enemyWIA": "0", "enemyKIA": "0", "enemyDetained": "0", "mgrs": "42SWD1500074700", "latitude": "35.01483154", "longitude": "69.16441345", "originatorGroup": "UNKNOWN", "updatedByGroup": "UNKNOWN", "ccir": "", "sigact": "", "affiliation": "NEUTRAL", "dColor": "GREEN", "classification": "SECRET"} --> <svg xmlns=""
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) version="1.1" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:svgjs="" width="1000" height="1000"> <style type="text/css"> <![CDATA[ text { font-family: Arial, sans-serif; letter-spacing:-0.75px;} ]]> </style> <rect width="1000" height="1000" fill="#acb6c0" style="stroke: black; stroke-width: 15;"></rect> <g id="WAR_LOG_-" transform="matrix(0.244141,0,0,0.244141,-435.791,-2999.02)"> <g transform="matrix(7.67317,0,0,4.096,-15973.2,-38031
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) .3)"> <rect x="2325" y="13244" width="150" height="20"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(4.096,0,0,4.096,-5577,-37973.9)"> <text x="1825px" y="13247.9px" style="font-family:'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:22.222px;fill:rgb(172,182,192);">WAR <tspan x="1922.08px " y="13247.9px ">L</tspan>OG <tspan x="2014.24px " y="13247.9px ">#</tspan>22724</text> </g> </g> <g id="ASSANGE" transform="matrix(0.244141,0,0,0.244141,243.231,-2999.02)"> <g transform="matrix(6.48594
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ,0,0,4.096,-13034.8,-38031.3)"> <rect x="2325" y="13244" width="150" height="20"/> </g> <g transform="matrix(4.096,0,0,4.096,-5405.63,-37973.9)"> <text x="1825px" y="13247.9px" style="font-family:'Arial', sans-serif;font-size:22.222px;fill:rgb(172,182,192);">I <tspan x="1869.01px " y="13247.9px ">A</tspan>M <tspan x="1940.65px " y="13247.9px ">A</tspan>SSANGE</text> </g> </g> <g class="columns"><svg class="column" width="320" height="900" x="10" y="10" font-family
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ="'Arial', sans-serif;" font-size="13" font-stretch="condensed"><text height="900"><tspan></tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE PARWAN TEAM AND COL IVES ATTENDED A</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MEETING OF DISTRICT ELDERS CALLED BY</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOVERNOR TAQWA. THE MEETING STARTED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">APPROXIMATELY TWO HOURS LATE AS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DELEGATIONS FROM THE DISTANT DISTRICTS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 000000000002" x="0">WERE DELAYED. WHILE WE WERE WAITING FOR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE MEETING TO START, WE MET WITH GOV.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">TAQWA AND DEPUTY GOV. SALANGI. THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOVERNOR HAD TWO GUESTS WITH HIM: GEN</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HABIBULAH, DEPUTY ANP CHIEF FROM SALANG</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AND A FORMER COMMANDER IN THE SALANG</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">REGIO
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) N DURING THE WAR, AND MR MUBARAK</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SHAH, ELDER FROM QALANDER KHIL, BAGRAM</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DISTRICT, AND A FORMER COMMANDER OF</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">FORCES IN QALANDER KHIL IN THE WAR AGAINST</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE TALIBAN.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">COL IVES SPOKE WITH GOV TAQWA, HOWEVER,</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MOST IN THE ROOM COULD NOT HEAR THE ENTIRE</tspan><t
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) span dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CONVERSATION. WHAT WE DID HEAR INCLUDED A</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DISCUSSION ABOUT CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOV TAQWA MENTIONED THAT THERE A</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PROBLEMS WITH THE CULVERTS BEING BUILD ON</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE NEW ROAD WE ARE BUILDING PAST THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">FIRING RANGE. HE SAID THE CULVERTS ARE TO</tspan><tspan dy="16.90000
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 0000000002" x="0">LOW AND WILL TRAP WATER UNDER THE ROAD. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ALSO MENTIONED THAT HE KNOWS A TURKISH</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">COMPANY THAT DOES DBST ROADS VERY WELL</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AND SUGGESTED WE TALK THE CONTRACTORS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">INTO SUB-CONTRACTING WITH THIS COMPANY.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ANOTHER TOPIC GOV TAQWA COVERED WAS THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ">NEED OF THE DRINKING WATER SYSTEM FOR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CHARIKAR. HE SAID IF WE BUY THE PIPES THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PEOPLE WILL INSTALL THE SYSTEM. FINALLY, COL</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">IVES SPOKE TO THE GOVERNOR ABOUT THE NEED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">TO COMPLETE THE CONSTRUCTION OF DISTRICT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CENTERS. GOV TAQWA STATED DISTRICT CENTERS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ARE STILL NEEDED AT JABALUSSARAJ, SALANG,</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SHEIKH ALI, AND BAGRAM. WE RECENTLY VISITED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE BAGRAM DISTRICT CENTER AND FOUND IT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WAS COMPLETED IN 2005. THE OTHER THREE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DISTRICT CENTERS ARE VALID REQUIREMENTS.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOV TAQWA OPENED THE DISTRICT ELDER</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MEETING AND
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) STATED HIS PURPOSE WAS TO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE AND THAT THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOVERNMENT MUST BE WITH THE PEOPLE. THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">NEXT SPEAKER, THE HEAD OF THE COUNCIL FROM</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">QALANDER KHIL, STATED THE PRT WAS NOT DOING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ENOUGH. HE EMPHASIZED THAT BUILDING WALLS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ALONG THE RIVER FOR FLOOD
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) CONTROL WAS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THEIR FIRST PRIORITY.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE NEXT REPRESENTATIVE WAS FROM THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SALANG DISTRICT. HE STATED THAT DRINKING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WATER WAS AN ISSUE BECAUSE MANY WERE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0"></tspan></text></svg><svg class="column" width="320" height="900" x="340" y="10" font-family="'Arial', sans-serif;" font-size="13" font-stretch="cond
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ensed"><text height="900"><tspan></tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DRINKING RIVER WATER. HE ALSO INCLUDED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ROADS AND ELECTRICITY AS CONCERNS FOR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THEIR DISTRICT. FINALLY, HE REQUESTED HEALTH</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CLINICS AND IRRIGATION WATER.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE CHIEF OF THE PARWAN SHURA COUNCIL,</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ABDUL SHAKUR, SPOKE ABOUT THE
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) LIMITATIONS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HE HAS ON HIS JOB AS A SHURA LEADER. HIS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">LIMITATION IS HE HAS NOTHING TO GET THINGS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DONE WITH, BUT THE PEOPLE EXPECT HIM TO DO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GOOD THINGS FOR THEM. HE MENTIONED THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">FLOODING PROBLEMS IN CHARIKAR, DRINKING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WATER FOR CHARIKAR, SOLVING</tspa
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) n><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">UN-EMPLOYMENT SO YOUTH DOES NOT TURN TO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DRUGS, AND CLEANING UP THE CITY TO PREVENT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SICKNESS, HE ASKED WHY THE PRT IS NOT DOING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MORE IN THE CITIES, ESPECIALLY CHARIKAR. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CONCLUDED WITH ASKING FOR US TO REMEMBER</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE HEALTH CARE SECTOR.</tspan><tspan dy="16.9
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 00000000000002" x="0">COL IVES SPOKE NEXT. HE RELATED THAT THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DEVELOPMENT OF PARWAN IS DIRECTLY RELATED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">TO THE SECURITY AND PEACE THAT THE PEOPLE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">OF PARWAN PROVIDE. HE REFERRED TO THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">COALITION LIVES LOST AND THE MORE RECENT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">LOSS OF A PRT MEMBER IN METHAR LAM. HE SAID</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 000000002" x="0">THAT THE SECURITY OF THE PROVINCE ALLOWS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE NGOS AND 37 PARTNER COUNTRIES TO WORK</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WITH THEM TO IMPROVE THEIR SITUATION. THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">LEADERS AND PEOPLE OF THE PROVINCE ARE A</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">KEY TO SECURITY BECAUSE THEY KNOW WHO IS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">FOR PEACE AND WHO IS NOT. HE SAID HE WAS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 002" x="0">SAD ABOUT THE RECENT DECISION OF THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">REPUBLIC OF KOREA TO WITHDRAW THEIR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PEOPLE FROM THE COALITION EFFORTS HERE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AND IN IRAQ. HE LAMENTED THE LOSS OF THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">KOREAN HOSPITAL THAT HAS SERVED THE PEOPLE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">OF PARWAN SO WELL BUT WILL NO LONGER BE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HERE DU
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) E TO THE LOSSES THE KOREANS HAVE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SUFFERED IN THESE TWO COUNTRIES. COL IVES</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AGAIN RESTATED THAT THE PEOPLE OF</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AFGHANISTAN MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SECURITY THAT DIRECTLY IMPACTS THEIR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DEVELOPMENT. COL IVES THEN RELATED THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MANY GOOD THINGS THAT HAVE OCCURR
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SUCH AS 30 YEARS AGO 1.5M STUDENTS WERE IN</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SCHOOL. TODAY OVER 6M CHILDREN ARE IN</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SCHOOL AND 2M OF THEM ARE GIRLS. HE SAID</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THAT WE BUILD THE SCHOOLS AND THE PEOPLE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ENCOURAGE THE CHILDREN TO ATTEND, BUT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THEY CAN NOT IF SECURITY IS NOT PRESENT.</tspan><t
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) span dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SECURITY DEPENDS UPON THE LOCAL LEADERS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AND SHURA MEMBERS. COL IVES MADE A POINT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">BY REQUESTING THAT ALL THOSE WHO OPPOSE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PEACE SHOULD LEAVE THE COUNTRY NOW. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0"></tspan></text></svg><svg class="column" width="320" height="900" x="670" y="10" font-family="'Arial', sans-serif;" font-size="13" font-stretch="co
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) ndensed"><text height="900"><tspan></tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CLOSED WITH, IT HAS BEEN 30-YEARS OF WAR; IT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">IS NOW TIME FOR PEACE.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ASSISTANT LEADER OF THE PARWAN SHURA</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">COUNCIL, SALANGI, SPOKE NEXT ABOUT THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ABILITY OF THE PARWAN PEOPLE TO CHANGE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HISTORY AND THANKED THE COALITION FOR
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) CES</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">FOR BRING THE PEOPLE TOGETHER. HE STATED</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THAT UP TO 500 FAMILIES WERE RECENTLY</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AFFECTED BY FLOODING NEAR BAF AND YET BAF</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HAS NOT PROVIDED ANY REAL HELP. HE SAID THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PEOPLE HAVE BEEN SUFFERING FOR 30 YEARS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">NOW AND THEY EXPECT BIG THINKS FROM THE</tspa
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) n><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PRT. HE SAID TODAY IS THE DAY TO ACT FOR THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PEOPLE OF BAGRAM OR HOW CAN THEY TELL THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE COALITION AND THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">TALIBAN. HE SAID IN SALANG, THE BRIDGES WERE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WASHED AWAY AND ASKED WHY WE WERE NOT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HELPING TO RESTORE THEM. HE SAID 500 ACRES</tsp
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) an><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">OF CROPS WERE DESTROYED IN JABULSARAJ AND</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">A LONE NGO IS TRYING TO HELP, BUT IT IS NOT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ENOUGH. HE STATED THAT WE TOOK AWAY THEIR</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SECURITY AND THAT THEY WERE VERY ANGRY. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SPOKE ABOUT THE PANJSHIR RIVER WAS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DESTROYING SAYED KHAIL, BUT NO ONE IS</tspan><tspan
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">HELPING. HE ASKED COL IVES AND THE PRT TO DO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">MORE. IF WE CAN NOT KEEP THE PEOPLE HAPPY,</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">WE CAN NOT EXPECT PEACE. HE SAID WE SHOULD</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">TALK LESS AND DO EXTRA OTHERWISE WHY ARE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THEY SUPPORTING THE GOVERNMENT?</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">GENERAL SALEEM SPOKE NEXT AND THANKED ALL</tspan><tspan dy="16.
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) 900000000000002" x="0">THOSE PRESENT FOR ASSISTING WITH KEEPING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE PEACE IN PARWAN. HE RECOGNIZED THAT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE PRT WAS DOING GOOD THINGS, BUT NOT TO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE EXPECTATIONS OF THE PEOPLE. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">REQUESTED THE PRT PAY ATTENTION TO KOHI</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SAFI AND SALANG DISTRICTS UNDERSTANDING</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002"
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) x="0">THAT THEY GOT RID OF THE POPPY FIELDS SO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THEY EXPECT SOMETHING IN RETURN. GEN</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SALEEM STRESSED THE NEED TO PROVIDE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">DRINKING WATER TO THE POPULOUS AND HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ASKED THE PRT TO HELP IN THIS AREA. HE ALSO</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">ASKED FOR PEDESTRIAN BRIDGES FOR THE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SCHOOL CHILDRE
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) N AROUND BUSY ROADS, BUT</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">NO SPECIFIC ROADS WERE MENTIONED. HE SAID</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">THE PRT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GET THIS DONE. HE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">CONCLUDED BY SAYING THE POLICE HAVE</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">PROVIDED THE SECURITY FOR US AND THE OTHER</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">AGENCIES TO WORK.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SOMEONE IN THE CROWD MENTIONED THERE ARE</tsp
    OP_PUSHDATA2(77) an><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">300+ PEOPLE LIVING IN TENTS. IF SOMEONE DOES</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">NOT HELP THESE PEOPLE SOON MORE UNREST IS</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SURE TO FOLLOW.</tspan><tspan dy="16.900000000000002" x="0">SEE COMMENTS FOR THE REST OF THE SITREP</tspan></text></svg></g></svg>
1 Outputs
  • 475324c3e30f3793f0b0ae57632a73af3d3548b338fa46c91781d2fdbc8e64ad:0
  • value  9999
    address  bc1p93mglxvxqg9pa9rwlth7ntrvpgept6mnr2p20zvezr066zcx0gmsjvrktj